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Sports Engagement App

My Role: UX/UI Designer, Research


StadiX is an app to increase fan engagement at sporting events. An app that assists arenas/stadiums/venues to connect with fans and provide them with a better fan experience.

The Problem

People who attend sporting events need to feel connected and engaged while they attend the event and don’t want to be distracted by inconvenient crowds and boring down time. How might we enhance the stadium experience to help attendees feel engaged and immersed in the experience?

Slide 18.png

According to a study done by Deloitte entitled “The Stadium Experience” fanatics compared to casual attendees spend 175% more per game (ticket sales)


First, I needed to understand at what point attendees were abandoning the game for their phones and what apps they were using in favor of the event.

I conducted a survey with the following questions:

  • Why do people go to live events?

  • What keeps them engaged in the stadium experience?

  • What makes an app engaging?

  • What keeps them coming back?

Affinity Diagram 1.png
“The benefit of attending events in person is feeling like you are a part of something”
“I download a new app because of a unique idea, or if it has something useful for my daily life”
“The benefit of attending events in person is you can feel the energy of the crowd”

User Persona

UserPersona 1.png

Lo-Fi Wireframe

Collections Home.png

Through my research, I decided to divide the app into four different sections

Live Events

User Flow

User FLow_edited.jpg

The user flow diagram is designed to understand how the user may navigate through their collectibles to redeem or use rewards.

UI Style Tile


Mid-Fi Wireframe

Award List.png
Zoom in map.png

As I moved into the mid-fidelity phase, I began to add colors, typeface, and icons to bring the app to life. Through more research, users began to understand the app concept as a whole. I was then able to understand pain points, navigation, and ease of use a lot more clearly through these rounds of testing.  

Hi-Fi Wireframe

Trivia Game.jpg

Moving into the high-fidelity phase, I finished bringing the app together sylistically and functionally. Buttons, typefaces, and icons were tweaked to bring the UI of the app to a much cleaner and more presentable place. 

Collections Home.jpg
NFT Rihanna.jpg
Redeem List.jpg
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